
Pokemon Breakpoint prerelease

Pokemon BREAKpoint Prerelease

Saturday, Jan 30th, 2016
Game Time – Castleton
8244 Center Run Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46250
(317) 577-0900
By Castleton Square Mall

Entry Fee: $28
Registration Times:
Flight #1: 10:30am to 11:00am
Flight #2: 12:30pm to 1:00pm
League Challenge: 2:30pm to 3:00pm

Come have some fun with the latest Pokemon TCG set at the Castleton Pokemon BREAKpoint prerelease!

All participants receive 8 packs of the new BREAKpoint Set (6 to build your deck, then 2 more at end of event).

Trainers will build a deck of 40 cards and play 3 rounds of matches against other trainers. Promo Items will be available while supplies last!

Door prizes given away during each event based on attendance. Hope you can join us for all the fun as we get our sneak peek at the latest cards in the Pokemon TCG Game!

We’ll also be doing a second flight and an League Challenge. So all day Pokemon fun!

League Challenge Format: Expanded

Price for Prerelease (only) is $28.00
Price for League Challenge (only) $5.00

(This Includes Both Prerelease Flights and the league Challenge)

If you can only be at one try to go early the event might sell out…

Flight #1: 10:30 Registration, 11:00 am START!!!!
Flight #2: 12:30 Registration, 1:00 pm START!!!!
League Challenge: 2:30 pm Registration, 3:00 pm START!!!

Any questions, please contact Professor Kevin at: fisherspokemonleague@gmail.com

Pokemon.com Pages:

Pokemon Roaring Skies Prerelease

Roaring Skies Prerelease – Flight #1 – 10am, Entry Fee: $28.00
Roaring Skies Prerelease – Flight #2 – 1:00pm, Entry Fee: $28.00

Fishers League Challenge – Mauville – 4pm, Entry Fee: $5.00
Flight #1 – https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/pokemon-events/15-04-000429/

Do you have what it takes to be an Aerial Ace Pokemon Traininer? Time to take flight with Pokemon’s latest TCG set Roaring Skies. Come check out what happens when Rayquaza EX leads his aerial pokemon friends to a prelease in Indianapolis! Pokemon TCG Roaring Skies Prerelease is your first chance to capture some of these powerful Pokemon! All participants receive 8 packs of the new Roaring Skies Set (6 to build your deck, then 2 more at end of event). Trainers will build a deck of 40 cards and play 3 rounds of play against other trainers. Promo Items will be available while supplies last! We’ll also have a good number of door prizes given away before each round. Hope you can join us for all the fun as we get our sneak peek at the latest cards in the Pokemon TCG Game!

League Challenge:
Come join us after the Roaring Skies Prerelease for our Fishers MauvilleLC. All players will receive a pack of Pokemon TCG cards for entering. Prizes for top players will include the LC Winner Promos and Championship Points. Additional prizes for the top player will be determined based on attendance.