Magic the Gathering

M15 Game Day

Announcing our M15 Game Day events!  They are both on Saturday August 9.  The first event is at 12PM, and the second is at 6PM.  Entry is $10.  This will be a swiss tournament with pack prizes for the top 8 finishers along with this promo for the first 32 entrants to both events:
Game Day - M15  Promo


If you are in the Top 8 of the event you’ll earn this promo:

Game Day Top 8 - M15  Promo


In addition, the 1st-place winner of M15 Game Day will receive an exclusive Playmat.


It’s time for the MEGA PACK Tournament again!

It’s our 2nd birthday here at Game Time.  To celebrate, we are hosting our signature event, the MEGA PACK TOURNAMENT.  Our Mega Pack pool is already at an astounding 187 booster packs (almost 6 boxes!).  These packs will be added to the regular prize pool for an absolutely crazy prize payout!

This event consists of two separate swiss tournaments, a Modern and a Standard.  We will pay out to the top 8 of each tourney, but the top 4 of each of these will feed into a M15 Booster Draft.

Questions?  Call the store and speak to one of our helpful employee’s.