
Theros Game Day!

It’s time for Theros game day!   It’s on Saturday, October 19 with 2 events! These are Standard tournaments, and will be Swiss with a top 8 cut.  There will be prizes paid out to top 8.  First place for each tournament will win Theros prize and an awesome playmat.

The first 30 entrants will receive a full art promo Phalanx Leader:


The Top 8 receive a Full Art Foil Promo Nighthowler


Registration closes at 11 am for the early event and 5pm for the evening event.  Call the store if you have any questions. Full details available on the event calendar.

Also, don’t forget to come in and challenge the Hydra!  The Hydra will be lurking within the store all day, come slay it!


THEROS Buy-a-Box Sealed

The biggest event this weekend is the Buy-A-Box sealed!  It’s at 4PM on Saturday September 28th.  You get a sealed box of THEROS and you have an hour to make a 60 card deck out of it.  It’s $125 and there’s an additional box in the prize pool for every 4 people.  It’s a ton of fun and a great way to open a box of product!